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根据 2004 和 2014 年广东省森林资源二类调查档案数据资料,从资源数量、结构、质量等 3 个方面对广东 10 个省属国有林场森林资源动态变化及驱动力进行分析。结果表明:经过 10 年森林经营, 省属国有林场林地面积略有减少,但森林面积、森林蓄积和林分生物量呈上升趋势,公顷蓄积量达到 81.98 m3 /hm2 ,公顷生物量达到 82.95 t/hm2 ,超过全省平均水平,接近全国平均水平,但各林场森林资源 数量与质量差异明显。省属国有林场中,中幼龄林仍占较大比重,成过熟林比重在逐渐增加;森林类别 进一步优化,生态公益林面积比重明显增加,树种正在由以针叶林为主的树种结构逐步向以阔叶林为主 的树种结构转变。
关键词:   省属林场;森林资源;动态变化
Dynamic Change in Forest Resourcesin the Province-owned Forest Farm of Guangdong Province
The dynamic changes of forest resources in the province-owned forest farm of Guangdong province and its causes were analyzed from forest resources quantity, structure, qualify based on forest inventory data from 2004 to 2014. The results showed that the forest area, forest volume and biomass are increasing although the forest land had been decreased marginally after the forest management of ten years. The hectare accumulation reach to 81.98 m3 /hm2 and the hectare biomass reach to 82.95 t/hm2 respectively, which exceed the average level of the whole province and approaches the national level. The difference between the quantity and quality of the forest resources among province-owned forest farm of guangdong province is obvious. The middle-aged and young forest were still the main part of forest resource. Forest category are being optimized, the propotion of mature and over-mature forests increases gradually and the portion of ecological forest significantly increased. The structure of tree species is gradually changing from the coniferous forest to the broad-leaved forest
Key words:   province-owned forest farm;forest resoures;dynamic change