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谢嘉炜, 魏龙, 肖石红, 蔡坚, 马青, 高常军, 吴琰, 易小青
风电场带来的水土流失、生态环境破坏等问题广受关注。文章以华南典型地区风电场为例, 通过样品采集和土壤性质分析,研究风电场对周边土壤物理性质的影响。结果表明,风电场对周边土壤 粒级组成、容重、持水量、孔隙度等均产生了不同程度的影响。具体如下:对比在建场地, 2012 年建设 场地周边苦竹 Pleioblastus amarus 林、阔叶林土壤粒级组成变化相对较小,容重显著升高( P<0.05)、持 水量显著降低( P<0.05)、孔隙度显著减小( P<0.05)。其中阔叶林土壤粒级组成距离风电场地越近,变化 越剧烈。多因素方差分析结果显示,除粉粒含量外的土壤物理性质受到林分类型、距离、建设时间三者 主效应及其交互作用的综合影响。因此,在风电场建设和运营中,应尽可能减少对土壤性质的破坏,避 免造成水土流失。
关键词:   风电场;土壤物理性质;连州
Impact of Wind Farm in Lianzhou City on the Physical Properties of the Surrounding Soil
XIE Jiawei, WEI Long, Xiao Shihong, CAI Jian, MA Qing, GAO Changjun, WU Yan, YI Xiaoqing
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture, Protection and Utilization / Guangdong Academy of Forestry
The problems of soil erosion and ecological environment damage caused by wind farms have attracted wide attention. This paper takes wind farms in a typical area of South China as an example, and studies the impact of wind farms on the physical properties of surrounding soils through sample collection and soil property analysis. The results show that the wind farm has different degrees of influence on the surrounding soil particle composition, volume-weight, water-holding capacity and porosity. The details are as follows: comparing the site under construction, in 2012, the changes in the soil particle composition of the Pleioblastus amarus forests and broad-leaved forests around the construction site were relatively small, with a significant increase in volume-weight (P<0.05), a significant decrease in water-holding capacity (P<0.05), and the porosity decreased significantly (P<0.05). Among them, the closer the soil particle composition of the secondary forest is to the wind farm, the more dramatic the change. The results of multi-factor analysis of variance showed that the physical properties of soil except for silt content were affected by the main effects of stand type, distance, and construction time and their interaction. Therefore, in the construction and operation of wind farms, damage to the nature of the soil should be minimized to avoid soil erosion.
Key words:   wind farm; soil physical properties; Lianzhou city