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齐也, 张中瑞, 江瑶
生态公益林质量评价能够客观反映森林资源质量状况,为森林质量精准提升和可持续经营管 理提供依据。应用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法,对广东蕉岭生态公益林进行森林质量评价,构建生态 公益林森林质量评价指标体系和等级划分标准,计算得到综合质量评分值。结果表明:采用林分对环境 的影响和林分稳定性两大类 10 个评价指标 ( 平均胸径、平均高、郁闭度、活立木公顷蓄积、龄组、优势 树种、树种结构、森林群落结构、植被盖度、灾害等级 ) 可以较为全面地反映该地区森林质量状况。其 中,植被盖度对森林质量影响较大,郁闭度和树种结构次之,优势树种影响较小。总体来看,蕉岭生态 公益林资源质量等级为中等,主要表现为植被盖度较高,郁闭度良好,活立木公顷蓄积量、平均胸径、 平均树高均处于中等水平,受灾程度轻,森林群落结构较完整,优势树种以本地优势树种为主,树种结 构以相对纯林和纯林居多、混交林较少,林分以中龄林和过熟林居多。蕉岭生态公益林经营管理应加强 森林抚育,注重林分结构调整。
关键词:   森林质量评价;层次分析法;模糊综合评价法;生态公益林
基金项目:广东省级生态公益林效益补偿资金省统筹项目“森林生态科技研究推广”、“广东省生态公益林可持续经营研究与示范”, 广东省科技计划项目(2019-07)
Evaluation of the Quality of Ecological Public Welfare Forest in Jiaoling County, Guangdong Province
qiye, zhangzhognrui, jiangyao
Ecological public welfare forest quality evaluation can objectively reflect the quality of forest resources and provide a basis for accurate improvement of forest quality and sustainable management. Applying the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate the forest quality of the ecological public welfare forest in Jiaoling county, Guangdong,the system of the ecological public welfare forest quality evaluation index system and the classification standard are constructed, and the comprehensive quality score is calculated. The results showed that the two categories of 10 evaluation indicators (mean diameter at breast high, average height, crown density, hectare accumulation of standing trees, age group, dominant tree species, tree species structure, forest community structure,vegetation coverage, disaster level) were more comprehensively reflect the forest quality status in the area. Among them, vegetation coverage has a greater impact on forest quality, followed by crown density and tree species structure, and dominant tree species have less impact. In general, the quality level of ecological public welfare forest resources in Jiaoling county is medium, which is mainly reflected in the high vegetation coverage, good crown density, and the accumulation of standing trees in hectares, average diameter at breast height, and average tree height are all at a medium level, and the disaster situation is light. The forest community structure is relatively complete. The dominant tree species are mainly local dominant tree species. The tree species structure is mostly relatively pure and pure forests, and there are few mixed forests. The forest stands are mostly middle-aged forests and over-mature forests. The management of the ecological public welfare forest in Jiaoling county should strengthen forest tending and pay attention to the adjustment of forest stand structure.
Key words:   forest quality assessment; analytic hierarchy process; fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method; ecological public welfare forest