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在高州市三个试点开展橄榄“粤榄18”品系适应性试验,结果如下:利用8~9年生橄榄改接第4年及1年生砧木嫁接后第9年, 其平均单株产果量达22.9kg,单株平均增产15.1kg,产量增益216.82%;平均单位树冠投影面积产果量达0.77kg/m2,平均增产200.01%;试点间单株产果量和单位树冠投影面积产果量的变异系数(CV)分别接近或小于试点内的CV;平均冠幅生长量改接株接近不改接的植株,但1年生砧木嫁接株的比对照大18.75%。“粤榄18”嫁接亲和性较好,生长较快,丰产性好,立地适应性强,是一个值得在生产上大力推广的优良品系。
关键词:   橄榄;粤榄18;产果量;变异系数;适应性
Adaptability Test on the Superior Olive Strain Canarium album ‘Yuelan 18’
The Adaptability test was made on the Canarium album ‘Yuelan 18’ in Gaozhou city. 8~9 years fine olive strain G18 scions were grafted on the 4 years or 1 year rootstock . After 9 years, the single plant yield was 22.9kg on average, increased by 15.1kg on average, yield-increase efficiency was 216.82%. The yield of unit crown projection area was 0.77kg/㎡, increased by 200.1% on average. The CV of yield per plant and per crown projection area among trials locations was close to or less than the CV inside the trials location. The grafted tree crown growth made no obvious difference, but that on the 1 year rootstock of graft olive increased by 18.75% compared to that of the control. Results showed that Canarium album ‘Yuelan 18’features good graft compatibility, fast growth, high productivity and strong adaptability. It’s a fine strain suitable for extension in large scale.
Key words:   Canarium album, G18, yield per plant, yield per crown projection area, coefficient of variation, yield increase, adaptability